Sunday, July 20, 2008
HELLOOOO.. i have done editing all the photos i wanted to post up. :D
Let's talk about yesterday's event before you enjoy the photos. :]
i woke up at 7 or 8am. then headed down to Compass Point to meet up with Hur Mei.
Then both of us took bus 27 to Tampines Library for the English- Comprehension Talk.
It was FUNN larr i tell u.
except that i can't concentrate and Fall asleep half way but i did managed to wake myself up.. =x
After that, we went back to Compass Point to have our lunch there.
Then went to library to do our homework.
First i did my Math. It's =[ ..... Cause for me, i don't understand, i need to refer to the textbook for formular and all that.
Then home at 6 plus.
Oh i managed to have MR BEAN's SOYA milk for that day :DDDD
two days BACK.
Friday- Greendale Official School Opening.
8.30am - ART
11.30am - Lunch
1.30pm - Bathing session. LOLLL... have fun throwing the shampoo to CTEE. LOL. both of us were screaming and laughing.
2.00pm - Headed to SC room.
Continue with rehearsal and OFFICIALLLLYYYY "perform"
was soooo scare at the end of the day. *shh, can't tell*
SOOO damn gald that i saw gfs.
oh by the way. thanks aaron and zhi huan haha. :D
was about to go to compass point. But MY feet were super hurting and it's sooooo late.
Then decided to go home.
well, i did not regret eating nothing since THAT LUNCH i had at 1130 pm.
OH OH, Ziyi was my SUPER HERO. She saved me.. erm.. i mind the cookies that she baked FOR ME, SAVED ME. I have that as my dinner :D
Alright. PHOTOS:D
SiYing's Birthday

Honours' Day

With Mrs Yue