Saturday, November 8, 2008
Did your last day of school ends beautifully? Happy? Sad? Touching? Boring?
Well, for mine and some of my friends, ours ends like S-H-*-*.
I am sorry,maybe i shouldn't say that word but... i can't find any other words to describe OUR feeling! & yes, I am LOST OF WORDS. :(
Anyway, it's something like we fall into some kind of tr** huh?
At first, we thought it's going to be a W-O-W thing but ended up all of us have _____.
LIA** huh?
Alright, to my dear family members, let's stop thinking about this STUP** incident again.
*Oh no, I don't see any happy moment working with them.
*CCCCCarbage down WeiTing!!*
On Friday, stayed back till 5 plus for rehearsal for my school new CCA, Interact Club, Saturday's investiture ceremony.
*I refused to make further comments :)*
For today, the exco members and I went to school at 7.15am to collect our blazars.
For today, the exco members and I went to school at 7.15am to collect our blazars.
To our very surprise, our room is very dirty.
Can anyone tell me? :)
everything seems to be so last minute and we have to tolerate at our dear JUNIOR's (yea, ONE JUNIOR) SUPER BAD ATTITUBE. *very cool right?*
Before we left, all of us wore our ties. :D
& interacters were looking at us.
Overheard some of their conversations, which were obivously unpleasant. (not really lar, they talked so loud. Don't want to hear also cannot- I can't cover my ears, you see :) )
But anyway, hello to my school's new CCA and it's members :)
After the whole investiture, G and I went to PP and took PP bus home.
Bought Lemon pearl and she bought peach pearl. *see, I remember!*
Homed at 12.30pm and started look high and low for my OBS packing list.
LOL, i think i have lost it luh.
So I got Xue Fang to send me the list.
At 1.30pm, met up with Shu Yi, Ivy, Hur Mei, Xue Fang as we have planned to go for a swim at SKCC. :D
There are indoor & outdoor swimming pools, slides, baby pools and SPA thing?
At first, we thought that the slides were short and therefore it will not be scary.
BUT! we were wrong lar.
It's hard for me to explain, GO EXPERIENCE IT YOURSELF!!!
it's going to be F-U-N!
played in the pools for 2 hours plus and we went for our shower session.
Oh, please note that if you may want to bring a pile/container/plastic bags to collect water from the tap.
BECAUSE... the showering taps only provide DROPLETS of water.
Took a super long time to shower and they have to wait for me. X
While waiting for our bus

After which, took bus back to Compass Point.
Xue Fang and I then went to have dinner at Mac.
Saw some greendale pupils and they were like starring at us?! *haha*
Headed to popular, Action City, Minitoons, Home Fix, Watson and Sport Connections.
At .7015pm we said good bye with each other.
While walking home from Punggol MRT station, phoned with Geraldine, CTEE and Rai.
Alright, I am tired now. :(