Monday, November 24, 2008
For today, i managed to get out of my bed and attended my art lesson.
Dad drove me there as Mum's car broke down. :(
Everything went well I guess, but I guessed that i can't draw water colour still life pretty well compared to drawing buildings , rivers etc.
My art teacher finds me weird though as buildings, rivers etc were harder to draw compared to drawing FRUITS.
Art piece for this week!
I had my first meal at 12.00 noon and that was soyamilk (YES YES!)
Dad drove me back home right after I got my soyamilk. :(
Went to meet up with Xue Fang at Compass Point's Burger King and decided to do our homework there. But we decided to go XF's house as we can't concentrate (actually is me lar, cause I want to buy SWEETS)
Bought Yong Tou Fou and dinner at Xue Fang's house.
MSN Chat with her and yes, that was lame! (;
We wanted to post up the conservation but we didn't save it.
*But we shall do that next time (again -.-)!*
Waited for Bus 163 ..
But but but...
It left without me you know?!??!?!
Was laughing at that stupid scene. =P
Wanted to develop ONE photo but i guessed I didn't save it properly.
It's okay, I shall developed that photo tomorrow. (which is today as it's 1.00am now)
I then went to hand in my E.B at SKCC.
Home sweet home at 9.30pm i guessed. (:
Bye for now. :D
Kurt's outing photos!