Thursday, February 5, 2009
Back Back Back!
Sorry for MIA for such a long time.
Tsk tsk. This was suppose to be a happy post.. but.. hum..
Anyway, I didn't really studied for my common tests.
The thing is.. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO STUDY!
Argh.. every time I'm doing something or "learning" something that I'hv been taught sometimes ago.. I thought that was.. BORING? haha (yea, In short, I DON'T LIKE TO DO REVISION)
Taking my EOY examination 2008 as an example, I didn't really revise for every single subjects. Except for English, geography, social Studies and Math paper 2. (like just flip through?!)
I don't think I'm going to do well for my common test. tsk tsk.
ARGHH!!! How am I going to PASS for my O level eh!
Oh no... :(