What's wrong with me?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I wasn't feeling exactly okay yesterday
(not even an okay)
I was thinking of a lot of thing, a lot..
I realised I don't have a dream.
Not even one I think.
I don't know who/what I want to be when I grew up.
What's my ambitions?
I thought of going to the beach and just relax.
But the thought of having pests around me, scared me.
That made me to drop that idea.
But, I was really depressed and even thought of _________.
Slept at 12am plus
Woke up at 7.30am but was really sleepy, so I closed my eyes and fall back to sleep.
To my horror, I woke up at 10.15am (ha, bye to art lesson)
went to see doctor since I was having sore throat and running nose.
Initially I was feeling alright, but started to -.-Zzz and :S while waiting for my queue (means, I become more tired and feel more sick)
Headed from and went out again to Bugis library to do research and homework.
Alright, I shall stop here because I found out that I'm having difficulties typing this SHORT post.