Ivy's Birthday celebration Part 1
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I can't remember which day is it but I think it's either on Monday, Wednesday or Friday as all of us were busying with art or night study. (OH, it's THURSDAY! cause art ends at 6!)
We carried on with our plans although we knew that this celebration will end pretty late (NS ends at 9.00pm)
Went home straight after my art to get prepared and all. Reached Compass Point to meet valerie and Xue Fang at 7.30am.
&&&& This is what happened:
Wei Ting: Where are we meeting?
Xue Fang: Yaaaaa kkuuunnn
*Heard yakult*
WeiTing: Ohhh okay
*Rushed over to Seng Kang CC - there's a yakult machine*
WeiTing: EH! How come you guys aren't here?
Xue Fang and Val: Where are you?
Wei Ting: Yakult machine??
Xue Fang and Val: *LAUGH*

More photos come up... WAIT FOR MEEEEEEE